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A member registered Jan 07, 2015

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That’s a good point. Thank you for letting me know where the accepted names are! I appreciate your time in replying to me and in making such a cute game!

It could use some refinement in accepting correct answers. I put in “Bro” and “Bro Strider”, but the correct answer was “Bro Strider (Dirk)”, which is not remotely how I would think to enter his name.

Aside from that, it’s very cute and fun!

Try running it as a non-Steam game so that you get the Steam Runtime, which will have SDL2. You won’t be able to install anything through pacman because SteamOS is immutable.

sudo apt install libsdl2-mixer-2.0-0

And I'm guessing the fact that you didn't even mention Linux means that it's not even in consideration. That's a bummer, but I wish you the best regardless.

Hi there. Do you plan to support Mac and Linux at any point in the near or distant future?

Hi, are you planning to support Linux and Mac OS?

I put my money in! :)

Wonderful, thank you so much! If the campaign is still open, I'll go back it!

Hi there. I got informed about this game through Fig, but Fig doesn't let you comment or ask questions unless you back the project. The Fig page only lists Windows and Mac. Has Linux been dropped for the full game? I won't back unless there's a Linux version, and not as a stretch goal. We always get burned by developers not keeping their promises.